FAXmaker Client Software
Windows 3.1x, 95 & NT client fax software
FAXmaker includes native client software (16 bit & 32 bit) for Windows 3.1x, 95 and NT. Faxes can be sent from any application by printing to the FAXmaker printer driver, after which the send fax dialog appears, requesting the recipient. Faxes sent using the OfficeTalk link automatically contain the recipients details. Faxes can be previewed on screen and standard documentation can be attached using the fax attach function.
The Windows 95 and NT client software supports the new TAB style interface, making it easy for users to compose their outgoing faxes. Users can track the status of their fax transmissions from FAX manager. All fax conversion is done on the fax server, so that the userÆs workstation is not tied up.
Network phone-books, attachments and cover pages
Phone-books can be shared across the network with both DOS and Windows users. Fax attachments and cover pages can be created and stored centrally to avoid duplication of fax-files. OfficeTalk users can use OfficeTalk's workgroup-wide address book and archive faxes in the OfficeTalk Contact Manager.
DOS & OS/2 client fax software
A full character mode based client is included for DOS and OS/2 workstations. Just as in the Windows Fax manager application, a user can view a log of his incoming and outgoing faxes, and view/print or resubmit his faxes. Faxes can be sent from any application that can print to an HP Laserjet or compatible printer, using either a network print queue or a pop up TSR. The pop up TSR allows you to capture the file to disk to create an attachment, or to fax using the FAX manager. Notification of sent and received faxes is achieved through network messages.
E-Mail integration
FAXmaker can integrate with any MAPI compliant E-Mail package (MS Mail and Exchange, Lotus cc:Mail and Notes 4) by logging incoming faxes directly to the usersÆ E-Mail box. This way, users need only check on their mailbox for incoming messages. FAXmaker allows users to send & resubmit faxes from within the MS Exchange client.
Fax broadcasting
Faxes can be sent to thousands of recipients just as easily as they can be sent to one. FAXmaker is able to send out faxes on four fax lines simultaneously, and can send a personalised letter or cover page to each recipient. This is achieved using a word processor file (.rtf) as a template and merging it with a dBase file.
Application integration
FAXmaker includes an easy to understand DDE interface, which allows users to automate faxing even further by having your database application ôpassö the fax number automatically. A C/C++ API (Application Programming Interface) is available separately.
[FAXmaker Overview] [The FAXmaker Server] [FAXmaker Specifications] [FAXmaker Add-ons] [FAXmaker Download] [Pricing]
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